Soul Surviving

My journey began with a tragic car accident about two years ago. My husband and one of our friends were killed, and I sustained critical injuries. These are my experiences and lessons learned along the path toward healing, growth, and a new life. I may also include whatever else comes to mind that I find worthy of posting.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Most Inspirational Young Woman

I just received & replied to a comment by Dr. Megan McCarthy. I highly recommend her site: meganmccarthy.blogspot. This is truly an amazing, accomplished, compassionate young woman from Adelaide, Australia. She has much to say about struggling with adversity. I know you will find her site worthwhile.


  • At 9:23 AM, Blogger Megan (Meg) said…

    Wow - thank you so much Lotus. I just found your comment on my 'name blog', which is not my main self help blog, where you refer to my posts (that site is at - :-)

    But what a coincidence! It has been so long since I wrote on your site here, and I was so surprised to find your comment on my name blogspot, because I was just checking it to see what I had written (ie. I hadn't been maintaining that site, unlike my other one above on selfhelp4growth - but there will be a 'name' blog on my own domain soon I hope!).

    Again, was this a coincidence??!? Your words were ones I so much needed to hear right now, as going through a bit of a tough time! I had to come back here to rediscover you! And how could I forget.

    Your story inspired me so much, your courage - I so, so dearly wanted to hear how your life has continued. To hear how you are. Your courage amazed me. Yet you wrote about my courage! I feel humbled. I often don't feel courage and feel so surpised when people say as much. I try to keep positive, to help others - it also distracts me from my own problems, as many people suffer worse - and I certainly don't think that you have had it 'easy' in comparison!.

    So, I thank you so much for your encouraging words. I was feeling a little 'down', trying to keep going myself since I wrote to you - temporary blindness now fixed with surgery, lots of complications

    and now on chemotheraphy, so feeling yuky yuk yuk!

    So, I found it funnny and a great distraction, to read about your hospital escapades! I myself have made many an attempt to run from the hospital - the many stays - hmmm .... I too wonder how that IV line came out - hee hee!

    Thank you again Lotus. I do hope you write more, I really do. If ever you keep this site up more, add an RSS feed, please let me know - or contact me at -
    meganmccarthy2 AT bigpond DOT com.

    I hope you are going ok? And thank you so much again for your beautiful and kind words
    Big Hugs and Prayers :-)

  • At 10:29 AM, Blogger Megan (Meg) said…

    Hi again Lotus - I forgot to mention that I am so glad that you are feeling 'free'! and 'soaring' now.

    I am so happy for you - and hope you are still feeling this way.

    I hope you don't mind, but I have also made a post on my own selfhelp blog about your site here - to ask others to come and read your story, to learn and to be inspired by your great strength.

    Keep 'Soaring' Lotus!

  • At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just realized that these posts are several months old, Not throwing rocks as I am behind my self. Nevertheless hang in there gals and keep writing! You will see that my talent is for me as I do not get many comments myself! Hint Hint! 1 aka DP


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